Premium Prawn Paste

Belacan, a fermented prawn paste, is vital to Malaysian cuisine symbolizing cultural identity, tradition, and authentic flavors.

Our belacan is meticulously crafted using all-natural ingredients, which include only prawn and salt, without the inclusion of any additives or artificial coloring. Available in two sizes of rectangular bricks, 240g and 480g.

Premium Prawn Paste - SSL BELACAN
Premium Prawn Paste - SSL BELACAN

How We Operate ?

Throughout our history, we have consistently pushed boundaries and embraced innovation, continuously evolving our belacan production methods to meet the ever-changing demands of the food industry.

Our natural ingredients under go precise processing under optimal conditions to conserve the authentic flavors

Dried Shrimp Paste - SSL BELACAN

Our robust process has consistently analyzed
our products ensuring the highest quality

Shrimp Paste Ingredients - SSL BELACAN
Belacan Cover - SSL BELACAN

Our automated
packaging process preserves freshness  

Prawn Paste Ingredients - SSL BELACAN
Belacan Packing - SSL BELACAN

Retains the product’s authentic flavors We take pride in delivering the best 

Our natural ingredients undergo precise processing under optimal conditions to preserve authentic flavors

Dried Shrimp Paste - SSL BELACAN

Our robust processes have consistently analyzed our products ensuring the highest quality

Belacan Cover - SSL BELACAN

Our automated packaging
process preserves freshness
& Retains the product’s authentic flavors

Belacan Packing - SSL BELACAN

Strict quality checking during the process

Shrimp Paste Ingredients - SSL BELACAN

Final checking before packing

Prawn Paste Ingredients - SSL BELACAN

We take pride in delivering the best
Belacan to the global market

Discover the Essence of Premium Prawn Paste

A gourmet delight – premium prawn paste gives many foods a deep, umami taste. Made from the best dried shrimp paste, this highly versatile ingredient guarantees a strong taste that elevates the taste of South East Asian and fusion cuisine.

Fresh High Quality Ingredients

The elements of this paste hold the key to its amazing taste. Made from natural prawn paste ingredients such as our carefully sourced shrimp, SSL Belacan promises freshness and authenticity. Both professional chefs and household cooks alike love SSL Belacan for its unchanging taste and smell through the past six decades.

SSL Belacan is a must-have premium prawn paste for your kitchen – distinguished for taste and quality. Whether your passion is cooking or you are in the food industry, this paste will elevate all dishes to an outstanding quality.

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